N and C accumulation 碳氮积累
section c-c c-c 剖面
section n-n n-n 剖面
and{C_n_i|i∈I}—factorable 可{C_n_i|i∈I}因子化
Association of C and C++ Users C和C++语言使用者协会
C and N accumulated rate 碳、氮积累量
C and N allocation C、N分配
C and N allocation pattern 碳氮格局
C and N cycling C、N循环
C and N metabolisms C、N代谢
C and N mineralization 碳、氮矿化; 顶点链码(VCC)
C and N storages 碳氮储量
C and N storages in plant 植被碳、氮储量
metabolism of C and N 碳氮代谢
Microbial biomass C and N 微生物量碳氮; 微生物量碳、氮
microbial C and N 微生物C、N
N and C concentration N、C含量
N and C uptake N、C吸收
release of C and N C、N释放